
Thank you for supporting The Classical Station! For over 40 years, listeners like you have helped us to broadcast classical music. Your tax deductible gift ensures we have the funds needed to continue bringing you programs like Rise and Shine, Allegro, Great Sacred Music, the Thursday Night Opera House, and more. Your support helps us keep Great Classical Music on the radio and online around the world.

We invite you to become a Sustaining Member! Sustainers are a major benefit to The Classical Station because we can count on your support, day in and day out. Your giving is automatic each month or quarter until you tell us to stop.

Please choose what you would like to do:

Become a Sustaining Member Make a One-Time Donation Now
OR: If you are a Sustaining Member or you are making pledge payments… Update your Payment Information

You may also call our Membership Department at 800-556-5178.

Or, send your check to WCPE at PO Box 828, Wake Forest, NC 27588.